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Build Confidence
Create Positive Habits
Connection to Peers

Meet Your GPC Leader, Emily!

Girls Positivity Club

 I’ve been a leader for two years now and the reason why I became a Girls Positivity Club leader is I really wanted to start to build community not only with my own students but with students who were in other classes and even in other grades. It really is the highlight of my week, and I love spending time with the girls after school and just building this relationship with them and community with them.  The wonderful thing about the club is it not only is beneficial for me because I get to know the girls on a much deeper and personal level, but you also start to see the girls develop friendships that maybe wouldn’t have happened outside of the club.  Also, the girls start to build more confidence, and you start to see this transformation come for many of them just because they are part of the club.  It really is a blessing to be part of the club, and I really enjoy it!  

Girls Positivity Club
Girls Positivity Club

Meet Your GPC Leader, Brittney!

Girls Positivity Club

All of my students are very important to me. I want to have a positive impact on these girls in our club and teach them how to be a leader in our society, teach them how to spread kindness, how to lift themselves up, and be proud of who they are and also lift others up. I’ve already witnessed how strong these girls have become, how great role models they are among their peers. I love watching them grow as independent kind human beings. 

Girls Positivity Club

Meet Your GPC Leader, Skyler!

Girls Positivity Club

My favorite part of the club is seeing the girls interact with each other and having those cross grade connections between the girls.  Another amazing part of running the club is getting to hear the parent feedback and just seeing those stories of the parents seeing growth in their child and confidence and just joy when they leave the club.  


Girls Positivity Club

Meet Your GPC Leader, Heather!

Girls Positivity Club

I am most excited about Girls Positivity Club because I want to empower girls and help them realize that they are strong and brave, beautiful, and have the ability to reach their goals and also that they can do great things.  Building belief in themselves and helping to build others up as well.

Girls Positivity Club
Girls Positivity Club
Girls Positivity Club

Meet Your GPC Leader, Mary!

Girls Positivity Club

I decided to partner with Girls Positivity Club because I have been working with girls in slums for ten years, and I realized that girls in slums suffer a lot because of poverty the word poverty has really affected many girls in slum sat down and thought it wise to have a club where I can meet girls and young mothers by giving them hope in life and am seeing the hands of God reaching many lives in Korogocho slum.


I work with a social worker to reach the girls, out then we organize activities like singing, dancing quizzes, and modeling our girls have been doing very well

Our girls have changed a lot because of the knowledge they are getting from powerful lessons from the Girls Positivity Club.  The community is very happy with what our club is doing. Our girls really passed the previous exams, and they got into good schools. The community is responding positively.

Girls Positivity Club
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