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Help grow the gpc mission

Girls Positivity Club's mission is to raise a generation of confident girls. In a world of chaos, girls need a place to belong and the tools to navigate this world so they can control their own inner voice. GPC has clubs around the world that are helping do that every week. 

Select donation amount

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Sponsor a Girl

8 Week Club

$150 covers registration fee and materials for 1 girl


Summer Camp

$250 covers registration fee and materials for 1 girl

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Sponsor a Group

8 Week Club

$3.750 covers registration fee and materials for 25 girls


Summer Camp

$6,250 covers registration fee and materials for 25 girls

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Sponsor a Global Reach Program​

$2,500 covers all materials, location, leader and support fees for an entire international club experience


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Legacy Giving

Volunteer with GPC

Promote the Mission

Purchase GPC Products

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